Disease outbreak! 04/29/08
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This alert page will list anything that we become available that concerns our rights to have our beloved parrots and pets, and any other legislative updates.

Nanday Ban!

This item will be updated as we get more information.

January 2008


Kristy Garcia of The Coalition of Pennsylvania Aviculturists (TOCPA), and Kelly Williams of the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA), who, together with Rick Rowland of TOCPA, attended all sessions of the Pennsylvania Game Commission to advocate for the rights of bird owners to own and keep their Nanday Conures and other exotic birds in Pennsylvania.  

The good news that Nanday Conures have been removed from the proposal to amend 58 PA Code Section 137.1.   This means that Nanday Conures WILL NOT BE BANNED IN PENNSYLVANIA.    

The Commissioners thanked them and all who appeared at the hearing, for their politeness, organization, professionalism, and thoroughness in addressing the Commission.    They said that it is obvious that we all love our birds and they were impressed that so many people took the time to come before the Commission and advocate for them.


In Oct 07, the PA Fish and Game Commission intended to propose a bill that would ban the Nanday Conure. The proposal was tabled until Jan 29, 2008. We are just now finding out about this. If the proposal is accepted on the 29th, it will be on the table for a final vote some time in April 2008. This would make it final, unless there is an appeal.

The Quaker Parakeet, also known as the Monk Parakeet, is already banned in the state of Pennsylvania . The Quaker is considered to be a bird that can survive in Pennsylvania and become a pest for farmers. Therefore, they are considered to be in the category of threatened, endangered, Injurious - [capable of causing harm] Propose rule making

This proposal would make it unlawful to import, [from out of the country and from other states ] possess, sell, or release the Nanday Conure- also know as the Black Hooded Parakeet . The dialog in Pa Code, 137.1 is very vague and does not give a viable reason for this bill. There have been verbal exchanges that say that an unwritten " grandfather clause" would be in effect which would mean that those owning Nandays now will be able to keep them. But this is not in writing and can not be counted on.

Also, if you go to the PA Fish& Game site and read about the Quaker, the Nandays are listed with them as if the ban is already in effect.

PA Fish & Game: 717-787-4250 ~~ Then select Option #2

PA's Fish & Game Website:\line\line\line

WHERE TO E-Mail Comments/Questions/Etc

There is also a link to click on directly, on their Website/page

Direct your communication to:Jason Decoskey,\line Chief of Special Divisions

Keep your communication polite and controlled.

What this means for bird owners;

Although you might not own a Nanday Conure, this effects all of us. The question would be , What next? They are trying to add the Nanday with the Quaker, and after that they could easily start working through the list of parrots and smaller birds

Update: We had a wonderful turn out on Sunday-the 27th when our newly formed Coalition of Pennsylvania Avicultrist went to the meeting with plenty to say and lots of facts. The PA Fish and Game Commission did not have much to say according to our local newspaper.

Dr Paul Miller PHD, DVM and specializing in avian medicine who works for the PA Dept of Agriculture in avian and pathology at the PA Vet. lab in Harrisburg passed out information on his research at the hearing explaing why the Nanday would not survive in the wild in PA. Dr. Miller has also been a zoo keeper and his imformation at the hearing is very valuable to us.

Links to this issue

No, no, Nanday - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

York, Pennsylvania - Exotic birds might be banned

WFMZ-TV Online 69 NEWS from Harrisburg

Other issues

What's going on in MO?

This bill would forbid the breeding, sale, or transfer of all birds and reptiles in the state of Missouri. It also forces owners to license each one they own.